A guide to ToC, based on my own experiences. Some spell details taken from wowwiki.
The beginning: Add your weapons to your action bar and equip your lance. Start the introduction, buff up, mount, get your shield up.
- Putting your weapons on your action bar let's you quickly equip them after the fight.
- The introduction takes about four minutes, so you have plenty of time to get ready while it's happening.
The Champions of the Horde - Phase 1: Keep your shield up and focus fire on each Champion. Once the trash is down, start on the Grand Champions. If possible, kill the bosses in the same general area. Keep an eye on them once they're dismounted, and run over them if they get back up. If you get dismounted, stay away from the Horde, run to the edge and mount a new horse. If you die, release and run back.
- By killing all three Grand Champions in the same general area, the pickup is a lot easier, and it lets you camp one player on them for easy trampling.
- If you go near them on foot, they trample you, and it hurts.
- It's possible to release and run back in during the entire instance, from begining to end.
The Champions of the Horde - Phase 2: Quickly equip your weapons and burn each of them down in order.
- This pickup is the hardest part of the instance. Tricks of the Trade and Misdirection both help a lot. If you managed to dismount them in the same place, it's a lot easier to pick them up.
- The five Grand Champions you could get, in general kill order, are as follows:
Tauren (Shaman): Casts Chain Lightning, and Healing Wave. Both can be interupted.
Orc (Warrior): Uses Mortal Stike, Bladestorm, Rolling Throw (standard knockback), Intercept (interupts).
Undead (Rogue): Fan of Knives, Deadly Poison (Seems to be applies by FoK), Eviscirate, Vial of Poison (drops a cloud of poison on the ground).
Troll (Hunter): Uses Lightning Arrows (interuptable) and Disengage (jumps back out of melee range).
Blood Elf (Mage): Fireball (interuptable), Blast Wave (AoE with knockback), Polymorph (interuptable, dispellable), Haste (100% buff to spell hate, dispellable, spellstealable).
Argent Trash: Three groups of three mobs will come out. You want to kill the Priestess first, since she heals, summons lightwells, casts Shadow Word: Pain, and on Heroic, mind controls unless interupted. Next you want to kill the Lightbringer, who uses a cleave ability, and finally, the monk, who will enter a bubble at 1hp on Heroic and slows attack and movement speed of nearby players. If your group is struggling, use CC on the Lightbringer to keep him out of combat, and snares etc on the Monk to keep him out of melee range of the tank. You can pull each group seperately, but stop for mana before the third if needed, as the boss aggro's once the last of the trash dies.
The second boss can be one of two, chosen at random, Eadric the Pure, and Argent Confessor Paletress.
Eadric the Pure: Eadric is more or less tank and spank. He casts Radiance, which damages and disorientates anyone who doesn't turn around, Hammer of Justice, which stuns for six seconds and allows him to hit you with Hammer of Rightousness, Hammer of Rightousness, which hits for a large amount of damage, but only if you're affected by Hammer of Justice.
- Hammer of Justice is dispellable, and dispelling it means you can't be hit by Hammer of the Rightiousness.
- If you can't be hit by Hammer of the Rightousness, you'll "catch it", and are able to throw it back at Eadric.
Argent Confessor Paletress: Harder than Eadric, but still fairly simple. Casts Holy Smite, Renew, Holy Fire, which does damage and adds a DoT on whoever it hits, Confess, which heals her, shields her, and reflects a quarter of all damage done to her. She also casts Summon Memory, which summons a random boss from earlier in the game. The memory has three abilities, Waking Nightmare, which does damage and fears everyone, Shadows of the Past, damages one player and slows their attack and casting speed by 90%, and Old Wounds, which adds a DoT to someone in melee range.
- The tank needs to be ready to pick the memory up as soon as it spawns, as it's possible that it spawns ontop of the healer.
- The memory has around three times the health of Paletress, so it's recomended you save DPS cooldowns for the memory.
- Shadow Resistance helps mitigate the damage the memory does.
The Black Knight - Phase 1: Burn the Knight until he summons a goul from Arelas Brightstar's corpse. Burn the ghoul, then finish the Knight off. Uses Plague Strike/Blood Plague, Icy Touch/Frost Fever, a stun that does damage and knocks back, and Oblitirate. Frost Fever and Blood Plague need to be cured if possible, otherwise Oblitirate does major damage.
The Black Knight - Phase 2: The Knight self rezzes and summons an army of the dead. Uses the same abilities as phase 1 except the stun, does Desecration instead. As the fight progresses, the Knight will cause ghouls to explode. There are two ways to do this, the first is to kite the Knight around the room avoiding the Desecration's. This works because the ghouls stay stationary when they start exploding. The other way is to AoE the ghouls down quickly before they explode.
The Black Knight - Phase 3: The Knight self rezzes again, and uses Death's Bite on everyone, which damages, increases damage taken, and stacks. He also uses Marked For Death on one person, which increases damage taken by 200%. Healers need to be ready for Marked For Death, as whoever has it takes a ridiculous amount of damage. I suggest you save your cooldowns for this phase, as the longer it takes to kill him, the more damage everyone takes.