Monday, May 18, 2009

The Life, Universe, and Everything!

I've been thinking about making this post for a while now, but never really been able to put my thoughts into words. But I'm going to try, and hopefully, succeed.

. So what does it all mean? Why am I hear? What's the purpose of my life? The Ultimate Question. Who has never, in their life, thought about it? Well maybe the answer is not as elusive as it seems. Maybe, I have it figured out.
. A lot of people think we're born with a purpose, we're destined to do something specific with our lives. But I think this is wrong. I think we're simply born, no purpose, no destiny, just the miracle of life. If we were born with a purpose, nothing would simply happen, everything would be an orchestration, a facade of freedom. Our entire life, we'd be a puppet, some higher being or purpose guiding our entire lives. But we can think independently, we're able to question what we do, and why. Which would make it rather hard to control us if we chose to fight our destiny.
. Some people think we all share a purpose. But what would happen to society if we did? If everyone's purpose was to, say, wage war. Everyone would simply be killing each other, society would cease to exist, and eventually, so would humanity. Human's as a whole cannot function without diversity. No society can. Even Ants, one of the most mindless creatures on the planet have soldiers and workers.
. I believe we all create our own purpose for living. We simply live until we find something to make our passion. Be it a career, family, knowledge, or simply enjoying one's self. People devote their entire life to finding meaning in it, without ever realising it's become their purpose. Some people may never realise what their purpose has become, or even create one. But lucky people do. They find something, and make it their passion, their life's work, their legacy. I haven't found mine yet, but hopefully, I will one day.

Yeah, I watched Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy a few days ago, for those wondering about the title. And yes, I have far too much time to think. Far, far too much time.

1 comment:

  1. But if we were born without purpose and instilled with the initiative to create our own purposes, the sheer magnitude of realising such a thing would no doubt break many people's minds.
    Far easier to assume that we follow some grand plan, tbh.
    We both have far too much time to think.
